Saturday, January 16, 2010

Google Rules!

It appears that Google really MAY be taking over the world! In a recent Forbes article, (November 2009), the 61 most powerful people in the world were listed. Google founders Sergey Brin & Larry Page are number five on the list, following four others, all of which are either world leaders or are the chairman for the Federal Reserve of the United States of America. But do not let just this tidbit show you how powerful Google has become! Now they are shaping public policy!

In a recent world news, Google has made headlines, saying that they will withdrawal from China if they do not allow for uncensored search results. Should Google win this battle, they will have effectively changed the censorship of an entire country. If they fail, they will remove their search engine out of China, and will still have effectively drawn public attention to censorship and will have helped shape public opinion one way or another.

As far as this author is aware of, this is the first time an internet based company has had the power to threaten an entire country. This indeed is a sign of this giant's power and authority. I was tempted to tell you to Google the news story to read more, but instead I'll provide a direct link;

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